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You've probably guessed

    that I'm Fran

Hi there!


Cue the I’ve-been-taking-pictures-since-I-was-a-fetus story you see on every photographer’s website!


Well, not quite. I was young. My Grandad was a photographer (there's a picture of us below) and his father before him. But you’re not here to read about my budding photography skills as a tot. You want to have a nosey at this woman who takes pictures and get a better idea of I’m someone you would actually want to work with, and a bit about how qualified I might be to actually do it.


I mostly take photos of people. I’m particularly passionate about getting more mums in photos with their kids (because we’re always behind the bloody camera taking the photos, and no one wants a photo album full of selfies!). And I love working with businesses because it taps into my previous career in marketing, something I'm still passionate about, and I still do on a part-time consultancy basis.


You can find more about my experience and education on this page, plus a little bit about who I am, my loves, passions and hobbies if you want to get to know me a bit better.

So, a summary of my experience: 


  • Studied photography A-Level at South Devon College

  • Studied it again at De Montfort University as part of Media Studies BA

  • Worked in marketing for about 7/8 years, some of which involved managing photoshoots for various campaigns and products for e-commerce websites

  • Meanwhile moonlighted as a model (don’t laugh!!!! It was a lot of fun and a great extra income) for about 7 years where I learnt a lot about photography, made some fab contacts and even appeared in a few magazines. Got involved with the organising of some big charity Photoshoots and for many years ran the Bristol Model/Photographer networking meets, which got a big feature in a national photography magazine.

  • Ran my own business for a few years, which was a Fancy Dress shop in Bristol. Had a shop, ecommerce website and sold on Amazon and EBay. Lots of Photoshoots of our products and obviously marketing my business. Some of the costumes got on TV. Even got invited to a reception at 10 Downing Street with David Cameron and James Caan (Dragon’s Den) for young entrepreneurs. I didn’t talk to the PM, but I did talk to James Caan. He was lovely.

  • Went back to college to do a course again in photography (it had been a long time. Back when I did it before it was all film and darkroom. I needed to get with the times)

  • Started working as a photographer.


I’m approaching 40 (and not happy about it). I’m a mother of two (three including be beautiful German Shepherd). I live in Preston (Paignton) in South Devon. I drink a lot of tea.



I grew up down here in South Devon (St. Marychurch, Torquay) and went to Torquay Girls Grammar. So I’m ‘proper’ local. But moved to Bristol for about 13 years (my now husband got a job there). We moved back down after starting our family to be closer to both of our families, who are all still down here.



We live in our dream home, which we are ripping apart because we’re a bit addicted to renovating houses. Usually while having babies – we can’t help giving ourselves a lot to do. We love family walks, big BBQ’s with friends and family, food, watching box sets in comfy trousers and behaving like idiots.



I’m on a constant diet. I have a bit of a potty mouth (which I try to keep under control). I prefer to say things as they are. I’m excellent at putting my foot in my mouth (metaphorically and literally. I’m very flexible). I used to pole dance (for fitness, I wasn’t a stripper) and even took part in a few competitions (didn’t win anything, but it’s the taking part that counts, right?). Also dabbled in circus skills like Aerial Hoop and Silks. Which I also loved and I’d love to get back to it one day. I’ve also got a love of Genealogy and have spent over 10 years working on my family history.


And if you got this far, congratulations!

Now give me a shout and book me.

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